Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)

Understanding sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

Introduction. Every person has a sexual orientation (SO), gender identity (GI) and sex characteristics (SC). Lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), transgender (T) and intersex (I) people experience discrimin…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

Being L, G and B in Asia Pacific

Introduction. Criminal laws, violence, and discrimination target lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people because of their sexual orientation. These issues are frequently raised in recommendations by o…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

Being transgender in Asia Pacific

Introduction. Transgender people exist in all parts of the Asia Pacific region, though they may use culturally specific, traditional, indigenous or local terms to describe their identity. In some par…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

Being intersex in Asia Pacific

Introduction. Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of innate bodily variations in sex characteristics. Intersex people are born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

International and regional developments in human rights law

Introduction: the universality of all human rights. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 Human rights are: · fundam…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

The Yogyakarta Principles

Introduction The Yogyakarta Principles are the most authoritative statement of what international human rights law obliges States to do and not do in promoting and protecting the rights of persons of…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

The APF’s response to the Yogyakarta Principles

Introduction The Yogyakarta Principles and Yogyakarta Principles Plus 10 each addressed an Additional Recommendation specifically to the role of national human rights institutions and their responsib…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

What more NHRIs can do

Introduction The Yogyakarta Principles and Yogyakarta Principles Plus 10 urge NHRIs to take action on human rights issues relating to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex ch…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath

COVID-19 & LBGTI people

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTI people (to date) - why the vulnerability? LOSS OF INCOME. Discrimination in education/employment. Informal or criminalised sectors. No savings, benefits,…

Faso Aishath
Updated by Faso Aishath
