Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons

Guidelines for the protection of IDPs

IDPs experience specific forms of deprivation, such as loss of shelter, and often face heightened or particular protection risks. These risks may include: armed attack and abuse while fleeing in search of safety; family separation, including an increase in the number of separated and unaccompanied children; heightened risk of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly affecting women and children; arbitrary deprivation of land, homes and other property; and displacement into inhospitable environments, where they suffer stigmas, marginalization, discrimination or harassment.

The following handbook, created by a joint effort of over 30 international organizations for the Global Protection Cluster Working Group, provides operational guidance and tools to support effective protection responses in situations of internal displacement.

Specifically, the Handbook seeks to:

  1. Ensure that staff are familiar with the core concepts, principles and international legal standards that form the framework for protection work; 
  2. Assist staff in operationalizing these concepts, principles and legal standards and in carrying out their protection responsibilities; 
  3. Improve understanding of the particular protection risks faced by internally displaced women, men, boys and girls of various backgrounds; 
  4. Provide guidance on how, through a range of different activities, to prevent and respond to the protection risks faced by IDPs; 
  5. Enhance staff skills for carrying out protection work; and
  6. Promote a consistent and well-coordinated protection response in different operations.

Download the handbook here: https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/files/IDP%20Handbook_Complete_FINAL%20Jan%2008.pdf

How did we do?

Guiding principles on internal displacement

The Pinheiro Principles
