Forming your Gender Audit team

Faso Aishath Updated by Faso Aishath

There is no correct size for an audit team. It will depend on the size of your NHRI, but it is important that the whole NHRI is engaged in some way.  

It is difficult to ensure diversity with a small team but ideally it is made up of a range of genders, including representation from other groups such as disability, ethnicity, age etc. 

Form your Gender Audit Team (GAT) 



Responsibility (including but not limited to…) 

Audit team permanent members 


Senior Manager / Commissioner / Ombudsperson (1) 

  • Ensures ownership and support at the leadership level of the NHRI 


GAT lead / Coordinator (1) 

  • Has an overview of the audit project 
  • Coordinates the audit team and ensures it effectively carries out its responsibilities 
  • Regularly communicates on the audit progress   
  • Identifies other personnel that may be needed for specific tasks (e.g. facilitating focus groups, data analysis) 
  • Addresses any challenges or difficulties that may arise  


Gender expert (1) 

  • Ensures a gender perspective is included across all aspects of the audit 
  • Supports members of the team to deepen their own understanding and practice of gender equality, if required 


Human resources (1) 

  • Manages the link between the audit and personnel policies and practices 


Representatives from NHRI divisions, who may also be gender experts (up to 4)  

  • Ensure diverse ‘division’ perspectives strengthen the audit and audit recommendations 
  • Provide the communication link between the audit and divisions 

Audit team casual members 



To work with groups of staff during Stage 2 


Data analysis expert 

To advise the data gathering and analysis stages of the audit  





Related information  

Facilitating an NHRI Gender Audit: Toolkit for National Human Rights Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region 

How did we do?

Facilitating an NHRI Gender Audit - Toolkit

Human rights principles to guide a Gender Audit
