Concepts, Terms and Definitions

Faso Aishath Updated by Faso Aishath


The following terms, concepts and definitions are used when facilitating a gender audit in your NHRI 


Any actions that take place to reach planned outcomes, such as programmes, projects, processes, events, tools and meetings 

Gender analysis 

Analysis of the situation for different genders, including identifying gender inequalities, which usually results in recommendations to reduce inequalities 

Gender Audit 

A tool to find out the extent to which gender equality is understood and acted upon in your NHRI   

Gender-disaggregated data 

Data collected, analysed and presented separately according to sex and gender identity 

Gender mainstreaming 

A strategy to achieve gender equality by considering gender implications across all activities of an organisation 

Gender-sensitive indicators 

Indicators that measure gender-related changes over time 


The measures you will use to track progress towards, or achievement of, planned outputs and outcomes 


The resources needed to achieve your outputs and outcomes. Inputs can include your NHRI’s staff, financial, physical and technical resources 

NHRIs (acronym) 

National Human Rights Institutions 


The changes and impacts that your NHRI is working towards. They can be short-term, medium-term or long-term 


The immediate result or product of an activity 


Related information  

Facilitating an NHRI Gender Audit: Toolkit for National Human Rights Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region 

How did we do?

Human rights principles to guide a Gender Audit
