GANHRI Statement - Climate Change: The role of National Human Rights Institutions

GANHRI Statement adopted at the GANHRI ANNUAL CONFERENCE on Climate Change: The role of National Human Rights Institutions held on 4 December 2020

At the 2020 GANHRI Annual Conference, NHRIs from all regions pledged to work individually and collectively to promote human-rights-based climate action. The conference statement sets out some of the practical ways that NHRIs can work for climate justice.

At the national level, NHRIs can:

  • Report to and advise government and other stakeholders on a human-rights-based approach to climate mitigation and adaptation measures;
  • Promote sound policy measures related to climate change and the environment;
  • Promote and monitor environmental, social and human rights risk and impact assessments prior to the start of projects;
  • Advocate for climate action policies that integrate the expertise of local communities and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples;
  • Include climate change and environmental perspectives in the investigation of complaints and base advocacy and policy advice on the findings;
  • Support individuals who are negatively impacted by climate change or mitigation measures to have an effective access to remedy; and
  • Advocate protection for environmental human rights defenders, who can face various forms of violence and prosecution.

At the international level, NHRIs can:

  • Play a ‘bridging’ role to support the exchange of information between policymakers, civil society and other stakeholders, including groups most affected by climate change
  • Engage in national, regional and international processes to promote human- rights-based action on climate change, including in relation to nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement.

Download the statement here

How did we do?

Compendium of actions to address climate change and protect human rights

Addressing Climate Change – UN Special Procedures
